Yikes! It's just a known fact - winter weather does havoc with our skin. And it affects everyone.
What causes dry skin and what makes it worse in the wintertime?
First, the cold air holds less moisture making the humidity drop significantly. This seems to be true regardless of which area of the country you live in.
Second, we sometimes like to take a bit longer in a nice warm shower. The problem with our long showers is that the hot water strips away natural oils in the skin. That's not good. It actually does damage to our skin.
Third, we tend to drink less water during the winter. It's just natural; right? We're not as warm so we just naturally feel the desire for water. That leads to problems too!
What's the solution to dry, winter skin?
Stating the obvious - stay hydrated even though you might not seem thirsty.
Then find a body cream or skin care cream or even a balm that is moisturizing, non-greasy, and goes on the way you like it. Your choice of cream should ensure that it is moisturizing! We have some solutions that customers keep coming back time after time.
If you're an outdoors person you might try our Gardeners Hand Therapy. Even though the name suggests that its a Sprinttime or Summertime solution many of our customers use this product all year long. Originally designed for hands its power ingredients are great for arms, legs, elbows and torso.
If you're the busy office person, factory worker, or stay at home parent try our Shea Butter. It has claimed a world-clsass following by some well-known clientele.
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