Things We Care About
Oregon High School EquestrianTeam (OHSET) is a high school sport with both individual and team classes dedicated to training youth in horsemanship. Carriage House Lavender in conjunction with the Katherine E. Murray Scholarship Fund provides scholarships to youth who typically could not afford to join the organization.
For all of us at Carriage House, our most important responsibility is caring for our lavender plants. It’s our livelihood and it’s our passion. And every year, we’re rewarded with the spectacular sight of our plants in bloom, exploding like lavender fireworks rolling down the hillside. (Come visit!) In order to succeed though, we rely a lot on Mother Nature for the right amount of rain, just enough sunlight and perfect temperatures. But now -- what has always been the ideal climate for growing lavender -- is in danger.
Oregonians know that in the last few years we’ve seen several summer days topping out at 112 degrees! Who would have ever thought that possible? Back in the day, we never worried much about irrigation because lavender seemed to store enough water to sustain itself. But as you can imagine, irrigation is now a major consideration for us. That’s why we’ve installed a slow drip system that puts water right where it belongs! And, we time that watering down to the precise moment during especially hot weather.
The unavoidable truth is that climate change is a very real threat to our planet. And unless we do something now, the consequences will be serious and will affect generations to come. In fact, we think that one of the most important steps we can take is to invest in our kids by giving them the information and the tools they need to help resolve this crisis. At Carriage House, we believe in the power of youth to accomplish great things.
And finally, we are also engaging with, and supporting organizations that share our concerns and are helping to implement whatever changes are possible – no matter how small. Because the very worst thing we can do…is to do nothing.
Oregon Environmental Council works directly with elected officials, community members, and grassroots activists across the state to take real and immediate action to curb the biggest driver of climate change: pollution from fossil fuels
Earth Day Oregon teams up with Nonprofit Partners who work year-round across Oregon to create a more just and sustainable world, each advancing at least one the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.